Hi, I'm Casey...creator of Ratchet Chick, who really is just a cartoon chicken, or chick I should say, version of me.  Ratchet Chick came to be for a couple reasons.  She's got a few meanings behind her creation. 
I'm a car girl...always have been.  As a kid, I had more Hot Wheels than Barbies.  Hell, I had more Hot Wheels than the boys my age did.  If my grandma were still here today, she'd tell you, "Don't bother Casey...she's playing her cars!"  That was my me time and even she knew it! 
A few years back, I got a business license in the automotive industry.  My company is called Pink Slips Automotive.  My dream for years was to open an all girls automotive repair shop, then All Girls Garage came out and kind of ruined that vision for me. 
So, I started off doing auto detailing, hoping to eventually make enough money to open my own shop.  I live in California, so that dream was quickly crushed.  I had ideas of things I wanted to do if I actually were able to open the shop. 
One of which was that I wanted to offer a free, one time class to women (or anyone really) on the basics of car maintenance - how to jump start your car, change a tire, etc.  I wanted to call that class "Ratchet Academy."  Like Pink Slips Automotive (as in car title and as in women's slips), Ratchet Academy was going to be a play on words also.  Ratchet, obviously because it's a tool commonly used in the auto industry, but also because I wanted to dub all of my female graduates "Ratchet Chicks."
For those of you that don't know, Ratchet is a term used to insult women - it was derived from the word wretched.  I am the kind of person that fights for the underdog - so I hate shit like this.  Insults.  Personally they don't bother me...they're merely letters forming a word that some idiot deemed as an insult.  So, I wanted to take the word Ratchet and make it something that women were proud to be, hence Ratchet Chicks. 
The last reason Ratchet Chick was created is because I am as honest as can be.  I have done bad, I have done good, I'm flawed, far from perfect, and continue to screw up at the very minimum on a weekly basis.  I have made SEVERAL mistakes in my past, but the fact is, as of this very second, there isn't a damn thing I can do to change any of that.  What I can do, however, is learn from them, grow, heal and make better decisions in the future. 
We are all ratchet to some extent, so why not own it?  All of the bullshit and drama that we have edured and here we are - still standing.  We should be proud of that!
People hide their flaws out of embarrassment...I disagree, I wave my shit around all day...because it's part of my story.  I may not be proud of some things I've done, but I can't change them now, nor can you change yours.  So, why hide it? 
Fake sucks.  Fake people, fake relationships...that's all I've known my entire life and frankly, I'm sick of it.   The only reason people are fake is to impress other people that are also fake.  WTF is the point?  Personally, I'm not impressed...all I see is a facade.
Ratchet Chick is here to remind you that it's ok to not be perfect.  It's ok that you fucked up.  We're all human, it's going to happen.  So own your shit, embrace your inner ratchet, learn and move on.  All of these little hiccups are what makes us all so unique and we should be proud of them. 
So, on behalf of myself, Ratchet Chick and the Ratchet Family - welcome!  You now have a seat at our table....and remember - stay ratchet!